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Dalbir Bedi, D.C.

Dalbir Bedi, D.C.“I was a club DJ for many years before attending chiropractic college. I started out as a scratch DMC Hip-Hop DJ and then moved to electronic music.”

While being a DJ will always be a passion of his, Dalbir Bedi, D.C., has enjoyed his new role as a faculty member at Palmer West.

“What motivates me to help students succeed is the yearning to share, on a larger scale, the high-level knowledge in clinical experience, business strategy, and management that I gained in 10 years of private practice working in multidisciplinary settings,” said Dr. Bedi.

Dr. Bedi’s interest in the chiropractic profession came after he severely sprained his ankle playing basketball. “I visited a chiropractor who focused on musculoskeletal injuries. I received comprehensive care from this chiropractor and that is what sparked my interest in the profession!”

As he prepares to welcome his students for the Summer quarter, he encourages students to know “life is all about showing up. Allow yourself to show compassion, be empathetic and celebrate (responsibly) the small victories!”

In Dr. Bedi’s free time he likes to “spend time with family, listen to my vinyl record and cassette-tape collection, and play sports with my son Zen.”