Brick wall with three busts behind purple flowers

Continuing students are required to preregister for the subsequent academic term during the preregistration period, which is scheduled toward the end of each academic term. The schedule for preregistration is published by the College. All continuing students must preregister during the assigned time periods.

Tuition for all continuing students is due and payable on the 10th day of classes of each new academic term. Any special arrangements must be made with the Student Administrative Services Office prior to that date. Even after the preregistration procedure has been completed, the student is not formally registered for the academic term until all outstanding obligations have been met.

Grading System
Grades are assigned based on the grading system as follows: 

Quality Points Letter Grade Interpretation
4 A Passed with honors.
3 B Passed with above average performance.
2 C Passed (fulfilled the objectives of the course).

Incomplete – Signifies that acceptable cause prevented the student from completely fulfilling the objectives of the course. Issuance of an “I” grade requires the student has met the following criteria:

  • An acceptable cause prevented the student from
    completely fulfilling the course objectives;
  • The student can earn a passing grade by
    completing the unfinished course objectives; and
  • The student has completed at least 50% of the course activities by the final grade deadline date. When a grade of “I” incomplete is given, it must be completed by the last day of the first week of the following academic term. Failure to do so will result in the grade converting to a failure. Because of its convertibility, this grade carries indirect potential for dismissal.
  R Failed with permission to take a remediation examination.
This grade is applicable only per campus dean approval following assessment of curricular and local campus factors. All attendance requirements must have been met and the student enrolled in the course for the first time. Students are limited to three (3) course remediations during their academic tenure. An “R” grade option is not available for clinic courses.
0 F Failure – Signifies failure to fulfill the objectives of the course and carries academic dismissal potential.
  P, PH Pass/Pass Honors (without mention of the quality of performance). Used only in courses with Pass/No Credit grading, achievement of advanced standing, or credit by examination.
  W Withdrawal – Signifies that the student has officially withdrawn from the course on or before the College drop date of the academic term. Students are allowed to voluntarily withdraw from a course twice without academic penalty. 
  AW Administrative Withdrawal – Signifies that the College has withdrawn the student from the course.
  AF Attendance Failure – Signifies that the number of absences makes it impossible for the student to meet the attendance requirements and is equivalent to a failing grade. 

