Students sitting side by side in lecture.

Applicable to the Florida and West campuses only. Eligibility and the issuance of an “R” grade requires the approval of the course instructor and the Dean of Academic Programs. The student must have met the following criteria:

  • first time enrolled in the course,
  • within 10% of the passing threshold of the course, and
  • met all attendance requirements for the course.

When a grade “R” is given, a remediation examination must be administered and graded by the last day of the first week of the following academic term and focus on the learning deficits as determined by the course instructor. A successful remediation will result in a grade “C” as the final course grade. Failure to do so will result in the “R” grade converting to a failure. Because of the convertibility, this grade carries potential for academic dismissal. Students are limited to three course remediations during their academic tenure.