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DRIVE What the Best are Made Of

Palmer's Academic Curriculum Prepares Students for Success

Get a Hands-On, High-Tech Education at Palmer

A Leader in Sports Chiropractic

Top 10 Reasons to Be a Chiropractor

What is Chiropractic

DRIVE What the Best are Made Of

If you’re considering becoming a Doctor of Chiropractic, Palmer College is the place for you. We’re the first and largest chiropractic college in the world. One in every five chiropractic students in the U.S. is enrolled at a Palmer campus, and more than one-third of all practicing doctors of chiropractic are Palmer graduates. Here you’ll find world-class facilities equipped with state-of-the-art learning tools, and experienced professors who care about your success.

If you have the drive to care for patients without drugs or surgery, take the next step toward your future now.



So you’re thinking of becoming a Doctor of Chiropractic? Well, you’ve come to the right place because at Palmer College we live and breathe chiropractic. Chiropractic started here. We were first and we intend to always be the best.

Just like us, you have the drive to succeed. To be better than you were yesterday and do whatever it takes to reach your goals. Welcome to Palmer College. Your chiropractic career starts here.

Take a look around. Palmer alumni may be all over the world but every Palmer chiropractor starts our three-and-a-third years program at one of our two campuses – our Main Campus overlooking the banks of the Mississippi River in Davenport, Iowa or Palmer Florida in Sunny Port Orange. Here, we have world-class facilities both inside and outside the classroom. We’re on the leading edge of technology equipped with state-of-the-art learning tools plugging you into the most advanced teaching methods in the country. Our professors, well, they are second to none, sharing their real world experience from every care setting you can think of from private practice, pro sports, the military, just to name a few.

So you can develop the skills and strategies you’ll use throughout your career. Our clinic network is the largest in the world, giving you the hands-on experience of adjusting actual patients using the world-renowned techniques first developed at Palmer. There’s a reason our graduates are known for having the best hands in the profession. Our campuses are in cities not only where you can learn but also where you can get out and explore and re-energize that drive that you’ll use every day to succeed because that drive is the same thing that keeps us going.

It’s what the best are made of so if you aspire to great heights, to care for patients without medication or surgery, and unlock a future of unlimited health and human potential, take the next step now. Visit one of our campuses. Talk to an admissions counselor about the admissions process and scholarship opportunities. Apply to attend the most trusted and most innovative chiropractic college in the world.

Palmer College: what the best are made of.


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Palmer's Academic Curriculum Prepares Students for Success

Hear directly from Palmer students what you can expect from Palmer College of Chiropractic’s academic curriculum year by year. You’ll experience hands-on learning from day one, under the guidance of experienced and caring faculty.


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Get a Hands-On, High-Tech Education at Palmer

Palmer College of Chiropractic prepares more students to become successful Doctors of Chiropractic than any other chiropractic college. Students master core technique training complemented by high-tech learning spaces and tools.


Palmer College of Chiropractic prepares more students to be successful doctors of Chiropractic than any other institution in the world. At Palmer, you’ll get an unrivaled hands-on, high-tech learning experience. You’ll master the core chiropractic techniques in new technique labs. You’ll learn human anatomy in new wet and dry labs equipped with surgical cameras for close-up viewing complemented by Complete Anatomy, the world’s most advanced 3D Anatomy platform, available to all students 24/7 at no cost.

Our interactive teaching and study tools are designed for your success Palmer’s X-ray viewing rooms are unparalleled and you’ll be prepared to manage patient care records on eClinicalWorks which is used by a million health care providers worldwide.

Are you driven to succeed? Come join us at Palmer College of Chiropractic, The Trusted leader in Chiropractic education.

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A Leader in Sports Chiropractic

Palmer College of Chiropractic is a leader in sports chiropractic. Whether your goal is to work with Olympic athletes or weekend warriors, Palmer chiropractors help athletes perform at their highest level.



Sports chiropractors help athletes stay at the top of their game from the Olympic games to professional sports to weekend warriors. Our graduates see it all. At Palmer, movement science is integrated into the curriculum from day one. Students can earn certifications recognized by professional sports organizations, participate in Palmer’s
sports injury and rehabilitation internship program – the longest standing in the nation – and be a part of the most active sports council in the nation.

Each of Palmer’s campuses offer a unique learning experience to prepare graduates to care for athletes at all levels. I am the athletic trainer for the men’s and women’s Palmer Rugby teams and I’m also the sports chiropractic club president as an athletic training student. I was working with the men’s basketball team as my senior sport. A lot of them had rib and pelvic issues that we had to refer out to a chiropractor very often so to me, it just kind of made sense as I want to continue in sports. Like why not be able to do both – be an athletic trainer and a chiropractor?

Palmer College has given me the education and various techniques that will allow me to give the best possible care to my patients. In particular, being a member of sports council has allowed me to dive deeper into the various techniques that are going to allow me to work specifically with the athletes. I want to feel that Palmer has done a great job preparing me for the position I want as a sports chiropractor. Like the athletes we serve, Palmer students are driven to succeed.

Start your journey as a sports chiropractor at Palmer College of Chiropractic. Visit


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Top 10 Reasons to Be a Chiropractor

At Palmer College of Chiropractic, the first and largest chiropractic college, you’ll find excellence in teaching and real-world chiropractic preparation. You’ll learn a wide variety of chiropractic techniques while you earn the prestigious Palmer degree. Most importantly, you’ll receive a great value for the cost of your education.

Here’s a list of the top 10 reasons why you should get your Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic.


Top 10 reasons to be a Palmer chiropractor

1. Chiropractic began at Palmer. Since then, Palmer College has grown to be the largest chiropractic school in the world.

2. The Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research is the largest and most funded chiropractic research program in the U.S.

3. You’ll get on-the-job training at the Palmer Clinics, where 170,000 patient visits are delivered every year.

4. Only Palmer offers you three campuses to choose from. San Jose, California. Davenport, Iowa and Port Orange, Florida.

5. You’ll learn from the most published instructors in the profession, many of whom wrote the textbooks used at other chiropractic schools.

6. Over 1/3 of all practicing chiropractors have the prestigious Palmer degree.

7. Palmer chiropractors are known for their advanced adjusting skills. Palmer’s technique training is world-class.

8. Only Palmer offers free financial and business training to help you succeed.

9. For many patients, it’s the single most influential factor in choosing a doctor of chiropractic. Eight out of 10 alumni agree that having a Palmer degree gives them an edge on their competitors.

10. You can help build the healthy communities of tomorrow. The health-care world needs you now more than ever because consumers need better alternatives for neck and back pain. There has never been a better time to shine.

Be a Palmer Chiropractor.

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What is Chiropractic

Chiropractic is a growing health-care profession that help patients maintain optimal health without drugs or surgery. An estimated 50 million Americans see a chiropractor each year to reduce pain, increase movement and improve performance. Chiropractic is safe, effective, affordable care.

Chiropractors use their hands to safely and specifically adjust joints in the spine and other parts of the body. Chiropractic adjustments reduce pain, restore proper nerve function, and improve mobility. In addition to adjustments, chiropractors may also provide soft tissue therapies, lifestyle recommendations, fitness coaching and nutritional advice.


They focus on the prevention, diagnosis and conservative care of spine-related disorders and other painful joint issues.
Chiropractors also provide soft-tissue therapies, lifestyle recommendations, fitness coaching and nutritional advice.

A Chiropractic adjustment…

A very safe, specific, controlled force applied to a joint to restore proper function and mobility.
Accidents, falls, stress or overexertion can negatively impact your spine or other joints.
These changes impact tissues, the nervous system and other areas of the boy. Left unresolved, this can make you more susceptible to chronic problems.
Chiropractic adjustments reduce pain, increase movement and improve performance.

Chiropractic care cost…

The same as, or less than, other types of health care and is included in most health insurance plans.
Chiropractors collaborate…

With other health-care providers every day. They are trained to refer you to the appropriate specialist when needed.

Chiropractors use…

Scientific research, clinical experience, and patient preferences to provide the best care possible.
95% of past-year users say it’s effective! 89% recommend to family & friends!
Chiropractic is… safe, effective, affordable care.

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Palmer Main Campus Walking Tour

Palmer Main Campus Student Tour

Palmer Florida Walking Tour

Palmer Main Campus Walking Tour

The Palmer College of Chiropractic main campus is a unique blend of history and innovation. You’ll find that blend reflected throughout campus. Our most historic classroom, Philosophy Hall, features interactive digital technology. Our anatomy training combines classic cadaver study with cutting-edge 3D digital software. Plus, study spaces throughout campus position creative seating options amidst historic artifacts from around the world. Why? Because even our past was forward-thinking.


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Palmer Main Campus Student Tour

See yourself at Palmer College of Chiropractic through this virtual walk-through of Main Campus. Hear from current students and picture yourself learning in the same place where chiropractic was founded. Learn why Palmer is The Trusted Leader of Chiropractic® on our Admissions pages.


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Palmer Florida Walking Tour

Only Palmer Florida offers you the prestige of the Palmer degree with the coastal lifestyle of the Daytona Beach region. At Palmer Florida, interactive classrooms combined with continual hands-on learning experiences will help you transform into a successful Doctor of Chiropractic.

Join us on a walking tour of Palmer College of Chiropractic’s Florida campus in Port Orange, Florida. View our classrooms, clinics, student and radiology labs, and more!


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The Value of my Palmer Education

Complete Your Undergraduate Degree at Palmer College

The Sky Is the Limit at Palmer College

Palmer is Fulfilling On and Off Campus

US Gymnast Chooses Career in Chiropractic

Athletic Trainer Finds Purpose in Chiropractic

West Point Graduate and Army Veteran Recommends Palmer Education

Palmer College Community Supports Students

Marine Corps Reservist to Future Chiropractor

The Value of my Palmer Education

Emil Tompkins, D.C. practices in Tucson, Arizona. He believes Palmer College gave him the best resources to become a leading chiropractor in his community. “I was able to not only learn how to be a chiropractor… but also how to teach the world about chiropractic.”


I’m Dr. Emil Tompkins from Tompkins Family Chiropractic in Tucson, Arizona. The reason why I chose chiropractic is because chiropractic gave me the opportunity to help people to be healthy in a natural way without using drugs or surgery. It literally was how i wanted to be able to take care of myself so I wanted to share that and be able to take care of others in the same way.

The value of my Palmer Education was incredible. I was able to not only learn how to be a chiropractor, how to do an evaluation, how to give an adjustment, but also how to teach the world about chiropractic. We had the knowledge and the skills to be able to go out there, spread the message that made a difference in chiropractic and chiropractic in the world and Palmer College allowed that. People are waiting for us to step in and be the leaders in our community in health care today and all we have to do is do it.

As a chiropractor, you have the opportunity to be the leader in the community. As a Palmer chiropractor, you have the best opportunity to be the best chiropractor in your community because the resources are there, the education is there for you to be able to do that.

What does chiropractic mean to me? Healing. What does being a chiropractor mean to me? Empowering. What does palmer mean to me? The best.

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Complete Your Undergraduate Degree at Palmer College

Nashali Cruz, a Palmer student from Puerto Rico, completed the last year of her undergraduate education at Palmer College while also completing her first year of study in the Doctor of Chiropractic program. Nashali said the admissions teams was extremely helpful when it came to starting at Palmer College.

“They helped me through understanding what classes I needed to complete in my undergrad before coming here,” said Nashali. “You’re going to have family. You make wonderful connections.”


My name is Michelle Cruz and I’m in sixth trimester. From the very beginning, I wanted to be a doctor it was a matter of choosing the right profession which was definitely chiropractic. What made me interested in attending Palmer was being able to do the 3+1 program because I could do my last year of my senior year and the first one of
chiropractic. Combined admissions was definitely extremely helpful. They helped me through the campus and they helped me through understanding what classes I needed to complete in my undergrad before coming here.

I enjoy multiple places on campus. We have the Bittner Center – it’s extremely helpful because it
has a gym and it has a track and it has all the equipment you might need. Someone considering attending Palmer, I’ll definitely tell them you’re going to have a family. You make wonderful
connections and what any chiropractor would tell you is you’re changing lives through the power of your hands.

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The Sky Is the Limit at Palmer College

Jake Koerner is a hard of hearing student in his sixth trimester at Palmer College. He uses accessibility services to make sure he’s successful in his classes and dreams of running his own clinic.

“When you have the support services around you to help you succeed, anything truly is possible. Here I am in Davenport, Iowa, making it happen and making the dream come true,” said Koerner, who notes that the first chiropractic adjustment took place here in Davenport on a deaf man named Harvey Lillard.


Hey guys, my name is Jake Koerner. I’m a sixth trimester student here at Palmer and I’m from Mount Laurel, New Jersey. As a hard of hearing student, it means that we might not catch everything that’s said to us; it means that I need to be an advocate for myself to make sure that not only my faculty and I can communicate but future patients can, too.

I can use the different accessibility services here at Palmer to make sure I’m getting all the information that’s required for me. It’s a huge, huge confidence boost to know that I have the support from all over and it’s something that I want to show other deaf and hard of hearing individuals – that when you have the support services around you that help you succeed, anything truly is possible.

I was so close to going to med school getting ready to take MCATs and apply to med school and something in Chiropractic just kept calling to me calling to me. And here I am in Davenport, Iowa making it happen and making the dream come true. Being here at The Fountainhead where Chiropractic began is ultimately what led me here. I had other opportunities and other resources I could look into but I wanted to explore where it all began. Something that not many people know about the first adjustment is D.D. Palmer performed it on a man named Harvey Lillard, who was deaf, and ultimately it helped bring back his hearing. That’s where Chiropractic began, that very first adjustment in 1895.

I really do want to own my own practice one day and take charge in the business
aspect of that. Something that I’m excited to do is just go out and serve.

My name is Jake Koerner and I am Palmer Proud.

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Palmer is Fulfilling On and Off Campus

Palmer student Michael Agyei says the Quad Cities offers plenty of activities for students off-campus, while Palmer is a great place to learn several chiropractic techniques. “Palmer does a great job of teaching you how to diagnose a lot of conditions that are in the musculoskeletal realm, and outside of it. I think the most surprising thing for me is the amount of knowledge you really do gain,” he said.


My name is Michael Agyei. I am from Aurora, Colorado and I am studying at Palmer College of Chiropractic. Palmer is to me a well-rounded education. I’ve been able to learn a lot of chiropractic techniques as Palmer exposes you to a lot of them. In addition, Palmer does a great job of teaching you how to diagnose a lot of conditions that are in the musculoskeletal realm and outside of it. I think the most surprising thing for me is the amount of knowledge you really do gain.

There’s a lot of things to do outside of studying here in the Quad Cities, especially during the summer time, and there’s a lot of things you can do near the river or in Downtown Davenport. My biggest advice for students is to always keep an open mind. This profession is really diverse and Palmer is a great place to learn a lot of different chiropractic techniques, rehabilitation techniques, or anything you want.

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US Gymnast Chooses Career in Chiropractic

Former elite gymnast Rachel Gowey plans to help athletes excel in their sport through chiropractic. “The Palmer education is unlike any other. They really set you up for absolute success,” said Gowey.

Palmer College is the oldest and largest chiropractic college. Learn more about Palmer’s Doctor of Chiropractic program at


Hi, my name is Rachel Gowie and I’m a fourth trimester student at Palmer College of Chiropractic. Growing up, I was an elite gymnast. I started competing for Team USA. I made the 2015 Pan American team in Toronto, Canada. I also made it to the 2016 Olympic Trials for gymnastics. The value of education from Palmer College of Chiropractic is setting me up for success. My ultimate goal is to work with athletes – help them excel in their sport. I chose Palmer because all my mentors, all the people I looked up to, I asked them ‘where did you go?’ The same answer: Davenport, Iowa, the Main Campus of Palmer College of Chiropractic.

The Palmer education is unlike any other, they really set you up for absolute success leaving here. As a Palmer grad, people value you very highly because they know that a Palmer education is far superior and so just to be able to know that I’m getting that same education is a great feeling.

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Athletic Trainer Finds Purpose in Chiropractic

It’s within your power to succeed at Palmer.

Trevor Sayers holds a master’s in post-professional athletic training and was attracted to Palmer’s Florida campus for its phenomenal faculty, long-standing Palmer history, and access to the beach.


My name is Trevor Sayers and I’m going to be a chiropractor. I studied athletic training at Castleton University in Vermont from there. I moved on to Texas State University where I got my master’s in a post-professional athletic training. I was hired with the Pittsburgh Pirates. Ultimately, my goal was when I left that job to come here to go to school. It was the Perfect Blend of both worlds: Palmer obviously for its storied history in chiropractic was really attractive, the access to the beach is perfect. Our faculty here at Palmer Florida’s phenomenal.

They all come from different backgrounds some goals for myself after graduation would be to open my own practice and get involved in athletics as well helping other people get to where they want to go. That’s really my passion.

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West Point Graduate and Army Veteran Recommends Palmer Education

Lauren Lybbert earned her undergrad at West Point followed by five years of active duty in the U.S. Army. She knew Palmer College was the right place for a new career.

“My experience at Palmer has been great,” says Lybbert, who is also the women’s rugby team captain. “Absolutely come here. There’s been a lot of new spaces added. It’s really a state-of-the-art place to get your education.”


I went to West Point for my undergrad which is obviously a unique experience. Being in a military school, I always knew I wanted to do something medically related. After West Point, you owe five years active duty in the Army, so I did that and I was a logistics officer, so obviously not at all medically related. I did a lot of reflection, talked to some different people, and ended up looking
into Palmer. I knew that it was the best chiropractic school.

My experience at Palmer has been great. I’ve learned more in the last two years than I really ever expected. Being president of the women’s rugby team has been really rewarding; it’s just a great way to make friends and then you have that built-in support system with school. I would tell someone considering Palmer to absolutely come here. There’s been a lot of new spaces added – Learning Commons, there’s the Bittner Center the gym, just really a state of the art place to get your education.

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Palmer College Community Supports Students

Challenging but fulfilling is how ninth-trimester student Jonathan James describes his time at Palmer. He recommends getting involved in the Palmer community such as joining clubs and utilizing academic support programs. “I’ve learned so much. The professors here are incredible. They are so attentive and available if you have questions.”


“My name is Jonathan James. I am ninth trimester and I’m from Staten Island, New York. I chose Palmer because I wanted to go to where it all started. Palmer is the Fountainhead of chiropractic, and I love the history of Palmer. My mentor has been my family chiropractor so I’ve been going to him for years. He went to Palmer and told me all the great things about Palmer, so I wanted to follow in his footsteps as well.

The academic experience, I could you, it was a challenging one but it was the most fulfilling academic experience of my life. I learned so much. The professors here are incredible. They are so attentive and available if you have questions. The PASS Program helps with academic support – they have students of upper tri’s help in preparing you for each class.

I’m looking forward to helping patients in total prevention of illness and injury. I feel like we need to focus more on prevention and preventative care in today’s society.”

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Marine Corps Reservist to Future Chiropractor

“I believe in science, and I love people, and I love working with my hands,” says Palmer Florida student Nicole Bennett. After serving six years in the Marine Corps reserves, Bennett discovered the benefits of chiropractic and now encourages other active military members to seek chiropractic care for pain relief. For Bennett, choosing Palmer was a no-brainer. “I personally don’t think that it gets any better than where it all started.”


My name is Nicole Bennett, and I’m going to be a chiropractor. I believe in science, and I love people, and I love working with my hands. So it’s the perfect combination of all of them. I served 6 years in the Marine Corps Reserves. It’s interesting to have those experiences and now have this knowledge and say, Wow, I wish I would have went to a chiropractor the whole entire time that I was in and it just makes me want to tell everybody that is still in the military in general, to please go. I chose Palmer because it all started here. And I personally don’t think that it gets any better than where it all started. I scheduled a campus visit, and the rest was history. Right after that. I came here and I knew it. I knew I needed to be here.

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Living in the Quad Cities

Living in Daytona Beach

Living in the Quad Cities

Palmer’s main campus is located in the Quad Cities region, a cool, creative, connected, and prosperous bi-state community centered on the banks of the mighty Mississippi River. Encompassing six counties in Illinois and Iowa, the area offers something for everyone. The Quad Cities region is nestled on the only section of the Mississippi River that runs east to west, and students enjoy the 200+ miles of running, hiking and biking trails, and the great fishing and boating opportunities throughout the region. Experience year-round festivals and special events, immerse yourself in the Quad Cities’ strong and diverse music scene, learn about the community’s rich history and culture and taste the flavor of local flair – all in the Quad Cities.



Discover it Here.
Enjoy it Here.
Savor it Here.
Kick it Here.
Explore it Here.

Create it Here.
Build it Here.
Bring it Here.
Make it Here.

Quad Cities Chamber

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Living in Daytona Beach

Palmer Florida students always have plenty do to during study breaks, from hitting the beach to checking out the local attractions or visiting Walt Disney World, which is only an hour away. The Florida campus is just minutes away from Daytona Beach and the Daytona International Speedway, not to mention the many concert venues, theaters, restaurants and museums within close proximity.


Daytona Beach is where your carefree spirit gets kicked into high gear, where good times go full throttle. Experience the legacy of speed in a place where racing was born, or slow things down by savoring fresh seafood and good conversation served with a breathtaking waterfront view. Reconnect with nature along miles of nature trails. Wind your way through Spanish moss. Paddle off the grid, or make friends with a manatee. Outdoor excursions are endless here.

Get your fill of shopping and entertainment, and discover a one-of-a-kind treat to take back home. Expand your horizons among the city’s rich, historic, and cultural scene. From our Smithsonian-affiliated museum to the Sugar Mill Plantation, learning is anything but boring here. Swing into town for world-famous golf courses and fun that goes beyond the green.

Daytona Beach has the perfect place for you to stay and play, because a visit to Daytona Beach is more than a vacation. It’s an escape from the daily grind — a place of renewal, rejuvenation, and new family memories. In Daytona Beach, you have a 500-foot-wide beach backdrop to cartwheel, frolic, and roam.

Your endless adventure awaits. With 23 miles of expansive beaches, you have the freedom to be yourself. This is wide open fun. Plan your getaway now.

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