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Study Tips from PASS Tutors

Students talking in front of First Adjustment Stateu.

Study Tips from PASS Tutors

Earning your Doctor of Chiropractic degree is challenging work, but at Palmer College, we are ready to support you throughout your educational journey. Take advantage of weekly lab and lecture study sessions led by PASS Tutors to assist with exam preparation by reviewing important course material, offering mock quizzes and exams as well as addressing questions and explaining concepts.

Check out these helpful study tips from our PASS tutors on Palmer’s Florida Campus!

Tips from PASS Tutors

  1. Take Advantage of Your Resources
    Edgardo Rosario Perez, Neuroanatomy I Wet Lab Tutor

    “Take advantage of visual learning. Being such a practical profession, it helps a lot when you can imagine everything. Study at least 30 minutes per class each day. Keep up with it and don’t let it pile up. Take advantage of repetitive style apps like quizlets and Kahoots to condense the material and make it more pleasing to study. Don’t be afraid to ask the tutors for help; we are here for you and to help you improve on your studying habits.”

  2. Find Your Work/Life Balance
    John Kim, Gross Anatomy I Wet Lab Tutor

    “Making note cards or listening to voice memos still count as studying even though you might not feel like you accomplished anything. The simple act of creating the studying tool achieves 60% of the intended effect. Study often, but also find a good work/life balance. Continue to pursue what makes you happy whether it’s working out, music, etc. This balance will lead to better mental health and better school results even though in the moment it seems counterintuitive. Make a concerted effort to write down or highlight anything that the professor says that makes you go ‘wait what? Huh? That doesn’t make sense,’ or is just genuinely interesting. Often those bits of info are usually on exams or are the missing link to the information already provided.”

  3. Conquer Time Management
    Kylie Manger, Physiology I Tutor

    “Time management is key with this program. Rather than trying to cram the day or night before, it is better to try to review the content a little bit every day or allot days to review certain topics. Therefore, when it comes to the day or night before the exam, it does not feel as though you are learning the material right before the exam.”

  4. A Little Bit Every Day
    Katie Davis, Gross I Lecture Tutor

    “Make the time. Learn how to manage your time well enough to do some things each day instead of cramming for an exam. It doesn’t have to be much, but repetition is key. As we are getting close to Boards, I am thankful for doing the work previously so refreshing information is not nearly as hard for me compared to some of my classmates. Do the work now and make the time for it. It will surely benefit you in the future.”

  5. Look for Groups of Three
    Anna Barjenbruch, Neuroanatomy I Lecture Tutor

    “When something has three functions, three locations, or three pieces of information related to it, there is a good chance that it will be a multiple-choice question. All of the following EXCEPT types of questions are really similar to the groups of three! For neuroanatomy, focus on learning the functions first, then add in extra details (especially with cranial nerves and tracts). For pathology, understand the “why” and mechanism of the disease. This is easier than just memorizing symptoms since a lot of diseases have similar symptoms. Study independently at first. Come up with challenging topics or weaker areas and then review those with a group. Create study guides as a group. Divide the work and save some time. Figure out your learning style – reading, writing, flashcards, movement, talking it out, or drawing can all be super helpful tools to learn the information. Start early! Especially on topics that are more challenging for you.”

  6. Prepare Early
    Taylor Hermann, Microbiology Lecture Tutor

    “Stay organized. Use a planner and time management to keep yourself from cramming. Active recall helps; do a mini-review each night to keep the information fresh. Create a study plan and stick to it. Once you feel confident about the material, find a study partner and quiz each other to get a different perspective of what they found important.”

  7. Study Hands-On with Models
    Nicole Dupuis, Gross Anatomy & Spinal Anatomy Dry Lab Tutor

    “The biggest tip I have when studying anatomy is to get into a group of friends. Have one person hold a bone and go through all the landmarks and attachments while someone else has a key and the rest of the group point out anything missed when done. Once finished, pass the bone to the next person. By the time you’ve gone through everyone in the group, the repetition as well as touch and visualization will help you know almost all of the information.”

  8. Get a Tutor!
    Cassidy Burke, Gross II Wet Lab Tutor

    “To avoid feeling overwhelmed, set aside time each day to look at the topics you struggled with most during the lecture time. Take notes in class. Use flashcards or a flashcard app to help quiz yourself. Study in a group – it is more fun that way! Take advantage of the tutoring options. [Tutors] have been, there done that, so pick their brains! Before an exam, do not try to cram your material the hour before. Trust yourself that you know the information! Practice your OSCES with your friends so you have the true patient/doctor scenario! Set aside time for yourself in the midst of it all; it is impossible to study for 24 hours a day. Give yourself grace.”

  9. Study Terminology
    Jacob Campbell, Spinal Anatomy Wet Lab Tutor

    “Study medical terminology if you haven’t already! This is almost the most important. By breaking down different words and conditions, you can make very educated guesses if you see or hear of a condition you’ve never seen before! On Boards, there will be some topics you might not have seen before, but by understanding medical terminology, it won’t matter because the name almost always tells you what the premise of the condition is. Groups are great but find one person that you study well with and quiz each other. Give different patient presentations and ask for a diagnosis, application-based questions, and more!”

  10. Incorporate Movement into Studying
    Sam Hanson, Immunology & Endocrinology Tutor

    “Most chiropractors are kinesthetic learners who remember things through hands-on experience. If I had one tip, it would be to try to incorporate movement in each thing you learn. For OSCEs that’s easy, but for anatomy and physiology, the thing I found most helpful is to draw and label your own pictures or perform the action or motion of muscles, joints, and bones being discussed.”